my shrine for pokemon my longest and biggest special interest! my first game i ever played was pokemon yellow! my favorite pokemon are psyduck, bidoof, and drowzee
Psyduck is an amzing fuzzy sweet duck boy. He is my number one pokemon fave and I have a small collection of plushes and cards! Here click on this pic to go to his wiki!
OC: Yellow Pronouns: She/Her Region: Kanto Info: Yellow's life is somewhat separate from the game of Pokemon Yellow. She started her pokemon journey and would find herself lost often and confused with things other trainers her age seemed to get. But she kept going because she found it easy to get along with her pokemon unlike with people. She was terrified to get on the S.S. Anne and decided to give up on her journey because it became too hard. Sge stayed at an Inn outside Vermilion city and found that losing the training and fighting aspect cleared a lot of stress and health issues. She got a job at the Inn to help cook and get ingredients. The owner was a friend of her mom's and she even gave her a bicycle so she could go to other towns and get certain things for the Inn. She loved going to Lavender town because the sweets were nice there. She doesnt learn she has autism until shes an adult and falls in love with a girl from Lavender town who also is and teaches her about it. OC: Crystal Pronouns: They/Them Region: Johto Info: Crystal's life is separate from the game of Pokemon Crystal. She started her journey very late and not to train pokemon or catch lots, but to give hurt pokemon homes. She herself is disabled and autistic and rode a three wheel bike with a huge basket on the back to carry pokemon she finds that needs help. Fainted pokemon in the wild she would also take extra time to take them to pokemon centers where nurses would help them and rerelease them into the wild. OC: Margie Pronouns: Fae/Faer Region: Hisua Info: Margie's life is exactly the same as the game Legends Arceus. She does however cosplay pokemon, especially Mime Jr, and also has autism.
Pokemon "Pink"
Pokemon Pink was the cancelled partner game to Pokemon Yellow. This is confirmed by files in Pokemon Yellow's source code including one that said "Pocket Monsters Pink and Yellow".
It is most commonly observed it could either be Jigglypuff or Clefairy, but the evidence mostly leads towards Clefairy. There was an incredibly adorably drawn comic called Pocket Monsters with Clefairy as Ash's partner. Pikachu was always with them but there was a distinct focus on covers of Clefairy. Here is the wiki on Red's Clefairy and the Comic itself if youre interested!
More amazing is a Gameboy Camera frame found in the files of Pikachu and Clefairy. These however are all we have to support any hints at what Pokemon Pink's existence could have been.